
The challenges raised up by the COVID-19 pandemic are constantly requiring a certain degree of adaptation. In this perspective, the virtual reality tool might represent an innovative understanding of digital transformation through digital readiness, resilience and capacity. Specifically, workers in the field of education need to be ready for using technology even in the post-COVID era. It is quite clear that technology use will be maintained also in the future and the labour market will require the adaptation of the training curriculum. Virtual reality (VR) is an eligible tool, since it enhances the digital component and it is highly flexible and easy-to-use. XR_Skill Project combines the digital environment with soft skills training directed to teachers and educators.

XR_Skill Project aims at fostering teachers and educators soft skills through an improvement of University curriculum for undergraduates and post-graduates psychologists soft skills in the use of Virtual Reality for training and education. Through XR_Skill Project, psychology students and post-graduates, whose specialization consists in this skill training, will be introduced to a new way for upskilling and reskilling of workers.


Through a phase of deep research will be possible to develop training materials on the use of VR for skills training, aiming to build a tailored XR_lab curriculum that enrich the training offer for students and specialists in psychology. 

The research will be also the guide for the creation of a VR game that will be used for the improvement of softs skills. All the content created in this project will be scientifically validated and shared in an adequate learning platform.


  • Enhancement of “digital confidence” resulting from the use of VR tool, which refers to the ability to manage easy technological tools after using more complex tools, such as Virtual Reality;

  • Raising the awareness within schools and HEI concerning the need to re-adapt teachers and students curricula in order to include the digital competence/confidence within their mandatory objectives;


XR_Skill Materials and Pilot

Training materials for undergraduates and postgraduates in psychology concerning the potentialities of the VR tool.

XR_SoftSkills Game

A VR game useful for the enhancement of soft skills.


Science Validation

Validation of the game and the methodology used for the XR_Skill project


A learning platform to store the materials and results of the Project and make it accessible to trainees and specialists who want to specialize in training the soft skills.


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