Project name: XR_Skills – Enhancing soft skills through Extended Reality in the post-COVID era

Programme of the project: Erasmus Plus KA220-VET – Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training

Start date: 1/11/2021

End date: 1/11/2023

Partner: UMEA Universitet (Sweden), Università degli studi di Palermo (Italy), Virtual Campus LDA (Portugal), Creative thinking development (Greece), CEIPES (Italy), Infinitivity Design Labs (France)

The kick-off meeting of the XR_Skills project was held on 13 and 14 January, in compliance with the Covid-19 regulations, the project was held online.

The XR_Skills project aims to promote the transversal skills of teachers and educators through an improvement of the university curriculum for graduate and postgraduate psychologists in the use of virtual reality for training and education.

It also aims to implement “digital confidence“. The ability to know how to manage technology and use it in different contexts. Almost two year after the onset of the pandemic, the importance of this ability has been noted, the use of digital tools is a great resource that allows us to find new solutions to the challenges created by Covid-19.

During the meeting it was possible to plan the management and organization of the next phases of the project, which include:

  • The creation of training material for the use of virtual reality for the development of soft skills.
  • The creation of a virtual reality video game for the development of soft skills.
  • The scientific validation of the methodology used, and the tools created.

In this project, we are working on the construction of the visual identity of the project coordinating the communication in medias.

The meeting was extremely productive thanks to the participation of the partners and the excellent coordination of UMEA Universitet.

You can follow our official social accounts for news on the project!