The development of VR technologies made possible to create new ways to improve the quality of life of people. What the consortium want to achieve with the Xr_Skills project is to improve the transversal skills of teachers and educators through an improvement of the university curriculum for graduate and postgraduate psychologists in the use of virtual reality for training and education.

The work on the project continues and the consortium had the possibility to meet in the beautiful stage of “La Torre Palace Hotel” for an excellent meeting hosted by the partners of the University of Palermo.

During the meeting we had the opportunity to review the current state of work of the project, considering the progress in all the project results.

The consortium has achieved the conclusion of the desk research phase useful for the creation and conclusion of the first project results, the creation of the training material for the use of virtual reality.

We also laid the foundation for the successive work on the creation of the virtual reality game and the scientific validation of the training.

In these days, thanks to the excellent managing of UNIPA we also attended to a social event in the Palermo’s Museum of puppets, having the opportunity to see a show of the traditional Sicilian art of “Pupi”, an ancient and spectacular form of theatre with puppets.

Thanks to the collaboration of all the partner the meeting was fruitful and successful, creating a perfect environment where to continue our work.

You can know more about the XR_Skills project following the Facebook and Instagram page of the project.