On the 5th and 6th of July 2023, it was held the 4th in-person encounter among partners hosted by the University of Umeå in Sweden.  

The XR_Skills project (2021-1-SE01-KA220-VET-000030106) aims to foster teachers and educators soft skills through an improvement of University curriculum for undergraduates and post-graduates psychologists in the use of Virtual Reality for training and education. 

During the meeting the partners were able to catch up, discuss different aspects of the project management and share the results obtained in the pilot tests. In addition, partners had the opportunity to visit the Västerbottens museum in the Gammlia area of Umeå, which is a county museum with responsibility for the cultural history of Västerbotten County. 

Xr_Skills project partners work together to develop quality materials that best fit the objectives and target group. The next steps are to finish the development of the game and implement the necessary changes according to the feedbacks received from the pilots and organize the final event of the project, where the participants will know the results of the project, and test for themselves the virtual reality game. 

Don’t miss anything following the social media of the project, on Facebook and Instagram.